For over 150 years God has provided for the life of our church. Sometimes this has been in miraculous ways, but also always through the generosity of our church family. We see generosity as an important part of all that it means to follow Jesus, and some of us follow the Biblical principle of “The Tithe” giving 10%. Similarly, we seek to be a generous church, giving away a portion of our income to support partner missions around our town, the UK and the world.
As far as possible we try to build our budget around what we believe God is calling us to do as a church and trust, in the words of the pioneer missionary Hudson Taylor, that “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” Regular offerings are so important, enabling us to support our work and plan for the future. We would encourage every member to give, as part of the responsibility and privilege of belonging.
If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim Gift Aid on your giving, which adds an extra 25% to your gift. For us to benefit, you need to complete a Gift Aid Declaration. Please do so via ChurchSuite (the Declarations tab at or complete this form and return to [javascript protected email address].
For all finance matters or more information please Contact Chris Lacey, our treasurer, or Gareth Roberts, our Finance Manager.
Posted On: Thursday, March 14th, 2024 @ 2:32 pm