Young People

School Years 7-13

Burlington has a vibrant, fun community of young people in yrs. 7 and above. Our dream is for them to have life changing encounters with God and to be a community who navigate their teenage years together.

Friendship, Fun and exploring Faith.

What does the youth do?

Meet together for part of the Sunday celebration to hang out, talk about stuff that matters (Eternity) • Meet weekly to study the Bible, play sport and play games(emerge)• Spend some Sunday evenings hanging out • Go away on residential including DTI • Host Duke of Edinburgh Award • Socials and so much more!

How can I get involved?

Get in touch with our youth team

All our youth team are friendly and experienced at working with young people. They operate under our safeguarding policy.

We have a designated Safeguarding Leader who can respond to any safeguarding concerns you have. Please contact them here: Safeguarding email address.

Posted On: Thursday, March 14th, 2024 @ 12:14 am