Learning to hear God speak

We want to help each one of us learn to hear God speak to us every day from His Word. To do this we are encouraging everyone to follow a daily Bible reading plan and to learn a simple method of journaling that is so effective in helping us hear God speak each day. Many of our Burlington Communities will support and encourage us in this.

The Bible reading plan has various options depending on your available time and the speed with which you read. Whichever option you choose we will all be sharing the same readings each day.

By learning to journal, you will develop a life skill that will help you hear God speak each time you open your Bible.

All you need is your Bible, the reading plan, a pen and a notebook. It’s that easy.

A Daily Feast in God’s Word

Step 1:

Ask God to speak to you.
As you begin, ask God to still your heart and to speak to you as you read His Word.
He loves to answer that prayer.


Read your Bible.
Read the day’s readings slowly and thoughtfully, listening to what God might be saying.


Find the verse that most spoke to you.
Reflect on what you have read and find the verse that most grabs your attention.
There may be several but just choose one.
You are ready to begin journaling.


Write your journal.
Your journal will follow the acrostic SOAP.


How to Journal

Take a new page in your journal and leave a space at the top for a title. Then, for Scripture, write out in full the verse that God has highlighted for you including the Bible reference.

Then write your Observation about that verse. What is the verse about? What are the circumstances? What did it mean to those involved? Write anything that strikes you as you think about this verse.

The Application is what it means, or says to you personally. Prayerfully reflect on what instruction, encouragement, challenge or comfort God might be bringing to you through that verse and then write it out.

Then turn to Prayer, writing out a prayer in full to God. Choosing your words carefully and reflecting on them will make it all more personal. Then pray.

You have almost finished.
Lastly give your daily feast a title, and record the title at the front of your journal so in years to come you will be able to see all the things that God has spoken to you about.

Reading with others

We are discovering that this is a fantastic way to do Bible reading together. Why not do your readings together? The possibilities are endless.

Here are a few;
• Every day with your spouse or friend
• Once a week with your Small Group, or your family (all ‘reading age’ children can do this)
• Once a month with your accountability partner.

Here’s how it works:
All meet together and all do your readings (20 minutes) and journaling (20 minutes) quietly on your own.
Then spend a final 20 minutes sharing your journal with your group.
In a large group be sure to break down into small groups so everyone can share.
You will be amazed by the help and encouragement it will be to everybody.

A few final points
• Always write out your journal in full – no short hand. This will help you be more precise with your thoughts
• If you miss a day – don’t panic! – just go on to the readings for that day and go back to catch up others in a free moment.

Posted On: Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 @ 1:41 pm