This Bonfire night we invite you to shine your light by praying for your neighbourhood.
It’s easy- Get some sparklers, Stand outside your house and as you light them pray for your street.
You could use this prayer..
As bright fireworks light up the sky we are reminded that you are the true light in this dark world.
Thank you that your light shines brightly and no darkness will ever put it out.
So we pray tonight for our family, friends and neighbours that your light will light up their lives.
May that light shine brightly in the lives and homes of all those that we know and love.
As these sparklers light up our faces may our faces always be glowing with the love and brightness of Jesus.
And may we sparkle his love in the streets where we live.
Then pause, and listen to God. He might give you a picture or a bible verse or something to pray. Remember all ages can hear God so get everyone in your house involved.
Do take a photo or short video and send it to [email protected] so we can share and encourage others.
Let’s start November by shining Christ’s light.
At the beginning of lockdown, we began to think about how we might be Good News in our neighbourhoods.
In times like this when the country is facing a health pandemic we as God’s people have the opportunity to be good news to those around us.
You are the Light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden… In the same way, let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father. Matthew 5:14 and 16.
We also believe that God can turn situations, like we find ourselves in, as opportunities for his glory, power and presence to be experienced. We get to play our part in this and can be used by God even from behind closed doors.
There are many things you can do as you are light to those around you but here are a few ideas that you might want to think about:
Do use the closed Facebook group Burlington together - A place to be God’s family ( to encourage others and share prayers and ideas.
Please click the link for a sample neighbourhood letter in both Word and Pages format.
Posted On: Friday, March 20th, 2020 @ 9:56 am