Inside Out
Jesus seems to turn everything inside out. Will we let Jesus turn us inside out? And what would happen if he did?

The Cross
Something incredible happened at the cross, but what exactly? What difference does it make to me? Why should I care?

Love Exposed
In Love Exposed we turned the spotlight on love - real, passionate, uncompromising love - as we study the life that exposed the truth about love itself.

The Unexpected
Most of life is made up of the familiar. We have plans and routines and usually things turn out the way we expect. Then, suddenly, often without warning, something totally unexpected happens.

It’s not what we are, or where we’ve been or even what we’ve done that brings life. It’s knowing Him, and out of that knowing Him we are to know others. We were made in His image to relate. Firstly to Him, and then to everyone else. The life He gives, we share. It’s all relationship.

Building Community
In the New Testament we find so many pictures for the church. We are also introduced early in the book of Acts to the believers becoming a vibrant, active, prayerful, worship-filled community who not only loved Jesus but watched each other’s backs.

Live It!
Paul’s letter to Ephesians, placed in the heart of the New Testament for us as a call to Live it! in our day and where we are. It’s our invitation to become part of a missional movement of our own.

Heaven and Hell
Now is but for a moment; eternity awaits…but what is it and what will it be like? If I believe in heaven, do I have to believe in hell? And of course, who goes where?
In this mini-series Simon will explore what the Bible teaches us to expect.

Following Jesus
When Jesus called his first disciples to follow him they knew exactly what he meant. He was calling them to learn all that he taught in order that they might do all that he did and so become all that he was. That’s what it meant to follow. And that’s the discipleship to which we too are called.

The Story
Throughout 2011 we are looking at the whole Bible; the amazing story of God at work in his world - and discovering that Jesus is present throughout the whole of the Old Testiment as well as the New.

Global Gospel
What does it mean to live like Gospel people in our homes, our communities and in this world?

As our days are punctuated by food, Jesus days was punctuated by time with his Father…No wonder the only thing recorded in the Bible that the disciples ever asked Jesus was: Lord teach us to pray.

Challenge Christmas
At the first Christmas God handed out several challenge cards to the human players in the story: Mary, a teenage peasant girl; Joseph, an apprentice carpenter; some country boys watching sheep; a few city slickers from abroad; and a tyrant king called Herod. At first glance these challenges seemed dafter than Top Gear’s. They were certainly more demanding and dangerous for all of them.

Believe it!
Beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation this series explores the big truths about God that the Bible presents. In exploring what they are, and seeing how they all fit together, we can shake off any illusions, misunderstandings and errors concerning the way we have thought about God, our lives and his world.

High Impact Church
The amazing story that begins with a group of bewildered followers who started to pray. Within ten days, thousands, literally thousands, are coming to faith – over a hundred each day. Could we live as radically at the early church did? Could we see people coming to faith in great numbers? Do we believe that God can do in us what He did with those first disciples? Could we too be a High Impact Church?
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