General Election 2019

General Election 2019

General Election 2019 Interviews with the Ipswich Political Party Candidates

Outliers Not Outsiders

Outliers Not Outsiders

An outlier is someone different from the others, stands out from the crowd and makes a big contribution to the world. eg Bill Gates or Mother Theresa.

Daniel Fast 2019

Daniel Fast 2019

Our annual three week Daniel Fast with neighbouring church IIC, carried the theme of Kingdom Breakthrough. “Walking around these walls, I thought by now they’d fall … I’ve seen you move, you move the mountains. And i believe, I’ll see you do it again.”

Christmas 2018 Starlight

Christmas 2018 Starlight

Jesus changed the world. Undisputed. 2,000 years on we are still talking about him and more people than ever are following him. But who is he? Do I understand him? Or has my view been obscured by layers of tradition, human opinion and popular thought?

5 Graces of Jesus

5 Graces of Jesus

The Five Graces of Jesus is based on the verses in Ephesians 4:7-13. Each person in the Body of Christ is one of the 5, and that we need all 5 to make up the whole. A bit like a personality test, we all have a particular strength. Each of us has one.

The Heart of Reformation

The Heart of Reformation

The great Christian revolutions came not by the discovery of something that was not known before. They happen when someone takes radically something that was always there”. H. Richard Niebuhr. This is no more true than The Reformation itself. As we celebrate 500 years of this tumultuous time for the church, and the world, what rediscoveries demand a radical response from us?

Joy to the World

Joy to the World

It’s good news that will bring great joy to all the world.” This year at Burlington, all sorts of people have discovered for themselves the joy that Jesus brings.

The Disciples Toolkit

The Disciples Toolkit

We are disciples. We know that. But are we disciple-makers? Well, yes we are! We cannot be a true disciple without being a disciple-maker.
Discipleship involves discipling - But how?